Welcome Message

Dear Esteemed Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM), we extend our cordial invitation to ICSCRM 2025. We wholeheartedly welcome the participation of all researchers in the field of silicon carbide and related materials in ICSCRM 2025. Commencing in Washington D.C. in 1987, ICSCRM has evolved into a time-honored international academic gathering. It offers a yearly opportunity for the dissemination of cutting-edge research findings and engaging discussions in the realm of silicon carbide and related materials, facilitating the exchange of novel insights. The ICSCRM 2025 Organizing Committee is immensely delighted to announce the hosting of the 22nd ICSCRM event in Busan, Korea, in 2025. Korea stands as a stronghold in semiconductor manufacturing, with rapid advancements and growth in power semiconductor technologies, including silicon carbide. Busan, the second-largest city in Korea, renowned for its picturesque coastline and diverse attractions, is poised to be an optimal venue for the ICSCRM conference. ICSCRM 2025 promises an exceptional program, comprising top-tier tutorials, keynote lectures, and an array of oral and poster presentations, all backed by the Technical Program Committee. In addition to the technical program, an exhibition showcasing the latest technologies and products in the field of silicon carbide and related materials will run concurrently. The overarching theme of ICSCRM 2025 is "Industrial Innovation and Convergence through SiC Technology." We aim to create a conference for all participating researchers, fostering presentations, discussions, networking, collaboration, and inspiration. Our aspiration is for ICSCRM 2025 to contribute to the advancement of the global field of silicon carbide and related materials. We eagerly anticipate your engagement in the field of silicon carbide and related materials.


Conference Chair
Sang-Mo KOO and Hoon-Kyu SHIN